Friday, June 29, 2012



Scenario: Parents have made visits to your classes to elaborate more about their careers. You would have learnt alot from these talks.

Problem statement: There is a career exhibition to be held in your school. Can you create a PowerPoint slide on your choice of career? It should provide information on the job scope and career path so that your fellow students can benefit.

Deadline: T3W3 ( 6/Jul)

29 June
1) MDPW: Think about a career that you are interested in. You can write down the information, or draw it on a piece of blank paper.
PPT will be taught in class, and you can input the data you have completed previously on your paper. 

2) Study past tense/past participle of these words: paint, sleep, clean, wipe, cook, bake, search, open, watch, drink, invite, look, keep, play, write, laugh, serve, eat, speak and smile. A test will be given next week.

3) Stellar Handwriting: To complete the entire book if you have not completed.

4) Bring a 1.5 litre water bottle (with a hole cut in the centre)

5) Complete a storybird story (for those with computer access)

**Do note Unit review will be coming in week 3. 

Topics for Maths: Multiplying and Division of tables 2 and 3

Cheers and Happy Youth Day,
Mdm Chan

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our vertical garden

Please be informed that we are growing a vertical garden.

Please bring a 1.5 litre bottle per person. (you can also use a mineral water bottle).
This must be washed.

We are collecting it starting from tomorrow. If your child is bringing them, please cut a hole in the middle: (from the bottom of the bottle: 7 cm up, and the length should be about 15 cm). 

Pictures attached as samples.  Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks.

At the end of the project, pupils are required to do a reflection on how they have taken care of the plants.

A sample of how the bottle will look like:

Mdm Chan


Digital Art Lesson:

Art Rage 2.0 is the software that they will be learning for the next 6 lessons for Art.

Some new words:
- Art picker (a multitude of colours)
- Colour palette
- Contrast (white against black background)
- Tones (shades)
-Palette knife
- paint brush
- Pressure (how hard you press the pencil on the drawing block) -- should be around 40 - 50% for drawing.
-- if 100% == colour will be darker, and there is no shadow.

-Loading -- the amount of paint you put on the brush.
(there is a constrast between 99% and less than 50%)

Undo -- click the undo button
Erase:  Use the eraser tool.

- to paint inside -- use a paintbrush.

My apple:

Friday, June 22, 2012

NSW Reminder on 27 Jun

NSW Reminder:

Please remind your class this coming week to attend the New South Wales Assessment for Writing Skills on 27 June 2012 next Wednesday according to the UNSW notice given earlier. Notice and consolidated list for writing attached for your convenience.
Participants have to report to ICT Lab 3 with their pencils and erasers just before their respective time slots as shown in the attached notice.

Time of the exam: 10.45 am to 11.45 a.m.

Affected: ZX, QT, Jon, Sop, Diya (pls note)

Thanks, Mdm Chan

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Term 4 Maths Resources

Term 4

Suggested e-resources:

Patterns: (choose colour pattern)  (this is very good) (select Patterns)

Geometry: 2D and 3D figures (choose tangrams)

Data and Graphs:

On the overall note:
This website provides most of the E-resources for P2. Please navigate and determine which resources maybe useful for learning of the particular chapter.

Thanks and happy Thursday. :)

ICT for Maths Term 3

Dear parents,
Work for Term 3 Maths. This will be the e-resources for Term 3 Mathematics.
For your information. If you have some time, please use these games as a form of understanding the concepts.


Mdm Chan

Chapter 10: Multiplying by 4, 5 and 10 

Game 5 and 6 for Multiplying tables

Chapter 11: Dividing by 4, 5 and 10

These games are about the same, you can select the table for these games.

Chapter 12: Time
Master Page (including worksheets and games):

Games for telling time: (choose 5 minutes interval)  (Choose Time)

Chapter 13: Money
E-resources: Nil

Suggestion:  Have some planning for money - how to use money to buy different things and what is the total cost in dollars and cents.  (Choose Money)
*Beware: Quarter = 0.25* This is only for US context.

Chapter 15: Fractions
Fraction discs, 
(Choose Fractions -Naming,
Fractions as part of a whole,
Fractions -- visualizing)

Fraction Worksheets (generator):
Comparing Fractions:
(Change the instructions to circle the bigger or smaller fraction, as they are not taught ">" or "<")

Fraction games -- (I thought these are more interesting and relevant)

Can we replace professors with computer screens

Good read:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Father's Day

A story to celebrate Father's Day: My father by Garfield_mickey on StorybirdEnjoy. :) Thank you for the contribution from Jon and Aqil on their stories. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Multiplication Songs on Youtube

Dear all,

This post is made in reference to the Multiplication Songs post here:

We are going to learn multiplication tables of 4, 5 and 10 when school reopens. However, there is a fun way of learning them through songs.

2x Tables 

3x Tables

4x Table

5 times Table

10 Times table

Please sing these songs at home. We'll be practising them when school reopens during pre-school assembly.

Mdm Chan

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Telling Time

Games for telling time: we are doing this topic Time in Week 5, 6 in Term 3. Some of these games which we can play are on this website.

Games for Maths

Some maths game: (add it up) requires mental calculation and quick thinking. :) Good for P1/P2 Maths foundation.

Fun on the internet through educational games

You may want to try out some of these free, educational games online. Pls read on to find out.

How do you spark a love of Maths in kids

Time for reflection: A read for parents.

Friday, June 1, 2012