Key Concepts to be taught:
1) learn how to launch and save MS PowerPoint 2010 presentation
2) Add slide, slide background, and slide transition
3) Insert WordArt, ClipArt and AutoShapes
4) Insert TextBox, and change font properties
5) Apply animation, animation timing and custom timing
6) Create an e-portfolio for this MDPW and upload the end-product
7) Peer assessment
8) Cyberwellness -- Handle appropriate content, recognise and abide to copyright regulations. Protect private information.
Things taught during 1 period of MDPW today:
1) Launch and open PowerPoint.
2) Concepts of ribbons was explained.
File / Home / Insert / Design/ etc...
3) Went through in detailed "Home" ribbon
Sub-ribbon (Slides)
- New Slide ( How to add new slide) -- or shortcut key -- Ctrl-M
- Layout
- Reset (meaning everything is being reset to 0)
Sub-ribbon (Font)
- Bold (Ctrl - B )
- Italic (Ctrl - I )
- Underline (Ctrl - U )
Sub-ribbon (Paragraph)
Applicable when text is being entered, similar to writing words in Paragraph
- How they can rotate their text into 90 degrees, or tilt their headings.
Sub-ribbon (SHAPES)
- They were tasked to draw at least 3 shapes, and colours had to be changed.
Ribbon "INSERT"
Sub-ribbon (Text) -- WordArt
- They were tasked to do 1 WordArt and changing the colours/fill etc...
Sub-ribbon ()
Save MS PowerPoint
(Ctrl - S )
Save as (Function key [F12])
Hope this helps.
Please try to revise this with your child, if possible.
Mdm Chan
MDPW Lesson 2:
Things covered:
Transition Ribbon
and Animation ribbon
(As hands-on was not provided, only explanations were given. This will be revised and time will be given to do in the lab next Thursday.)
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